#THE Bahamas Lawn Tennis Association’s “Play Tennis” developmental programme started indoors with drills and fitness conducted by coaches Marion Bain and Corey Francis, and players Donte Armbrister and Sydney Clarke.
#Later in the day the session progressed outdoors as the weather improved.
#The kids had the opportunity to perform basic tactics and techniques as demonstrated and instructed by the coaches.
#Coaches Francis and Clarke were able to benefit from the coaches course recently organised by The Bahamas Lawn Tennis Association.
#This Play Tennis course focused on introducing beginners to the sport. “It is good when the training gained by coaches can be called upon in these complimentary sessions offered to the children of the nation. We welcome other coaches to offer their service to this developmental programme,” said a press release.
#“The programme continues to see novice players who are open and eager to the skills presented. Making tennis accessible to all aids in the development of tennis, removing the barrier of cost and allowing the children ages 5 -17 to come into contact each Saturday with trained coaches and their assistants in a fun-filled environment is proving to be successful.
#“The goal is to grow the pool of available players across the country and to foster new tennis seeds, forming the foundation of growth and development. Today a tennis seed, tomorrow a fruitful tennis