National News
by: Kelsie Johnson, NG Sports Reporter
Devynne Charlton on right defeats Bahamian Carmiesha Cox at her left and Jamaican Monique Spencer in …
A total of $58,849 was donated to three separate entities by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) from money derived from the 2013 CARIFTA Games, according to the committee’s chair, Basil Christie.
A total of $45,000 was given to the Bahamas Association of Athletic Associations (BAAA), $10,000 to Special Olympics Bahamas and $3,849 toward the hosting of the 2014 World Relays, sanctioned by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). A financial breakdown from the 2013 CARIFTA Games was compiled in an extensive report and executive summary, made public yesterday by the LOC.
The Easter holiday games were dubbed a success by Christie, who also added that funds would go toward other major projects.
” In my capacity as chairman of the local organizing committee for CARIFTA 2013, I am pleased to present through the media to the public, our final report for the games,” said Christie.
” This is a comprehensive report and includes the executive report that has been presented to the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, and the prime minister. We have available to you the full report and the financial report.
” We are happy to say that the consensus of our participants, from participating countries, that the games were a success.
” The organizing committee feels as though it was probably the best games in the region. Most notable, the games were able to generate a significant profit and of course much credit goes to the strength of the marketing team, and the public relations team.
” We are here today to let you know that the local organizing committee has established a sports foundation for the distribution of the funds that were generated from 2013 CARIFTA.”
No figures were given for the Family Islands track and field program, which will be spearheaded by an executive team, handpicked by the LOC.
Christie said the track and field program will be the biggest beneficiary of funds derived from the games that were held March 29- April 1, at the new Thomas A. Robinson National Stadium.
Christie said: â Foremost, our biggest beneficiary for funds is the development of Family Island track and field programs, specifically designed to assist with the training of Family Island track and field coaches to train and recognize talent in the Family Islands and being able to assist them with attending events locally, regionally and internationally.
“Also, money will go toward assisting with the purchase of equipment and other necessary items to develop the track and field programs in the Family Islands.
” We have set up a program to make this happen and an executive team will head that. They will be responsible for the distribution of these funds.
” The second item of priority is setting up a training program for Family Island coaches. We are happy that the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, along with the prime ministerâ s office, have embarked on an extensive program to develop track and field in the Family Islands, including the erection of facilities and training coaches.
” We will work hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture on this particular project. Additionally, we have made contributions to Special Olympics Bahamas, also we have assisted with the preparation of the world relays.”
The LOC plans to make more contributions and donations in the coming months.
The executives hope that the disbursed funds will assist with the development and advancement of athletics in The Bahamas.