Sixth UBFIT race weekend April 21-23

As of Friday, April 21, 2023

#By Tenajh Sweeting

#THE University of The Bahamas will host its sixth edition of the UBFIT Fun, Run, Walk and Skate race this morning at 6am.

#The race weekend, scheduled for April 21-23, features a virtual and in-person element.

#The fitness event will include a 5k, 10k and 15k route for persons that want to challenge themselves.

#The annual event operates as a fundraiser for the university and to date they have raised up to $300,000 for students.

#With more than 500 persons registered to go, UBFIT co-chair Kandice Weech Eldon talked about the steady increase in race participants from 2021 to now.

#“We have seen a steady growth, our first year we had 600 participants and then came COVID and we ended up having to go virtual in 2021 and our numbers have been climbing ever since but our goal this year is 600 again,” Eldon said.

#The event is open to students, alumnus, faculty members and the general public.

#The route starts from the entrance of UB, then race participants will head north on Nassau Street, they will then make a left onto West Bay St, and the cutoff point will be at the Bahamas Girl Guides office.

#For persons that wish to complete the 10k route they will walk, run, bike or skate further down to the ‘go slow’ bend.

#Additionally, for the 15k participants, they will continue until the Rosewood and then make their way back for the after race celebration. Potential registrants will have the opportunity to register by visiting or can register at the Chapter One bookstore. For adults the registration cost is $35, UB students and persons 17 and under is $20, and groups of ten or more is $30 per person. The registration package for the event will include a race bag, UBFIT Dry Fit T-shirt, and a finishers medal.

#Eldon talked about the importance of supporting UB FIT 2023.

#“All proceeds support the annual fund which is so staff, faculty, and students can apply for funding whether it be for travel for a research conference, for equipment and then also technology needs for our students,” she said.

#This year’s sponsor for a third consecutive race is Oaktree Medical Centre. A total of 14 corporate sponsors are supporting this year’s event and have helped to raise $48,000 so far.

#After completion of their race, participants can expect to entertained by a special guest performance from the Bahamas’ very own Wendi.

#UB North is scheduled to have their third edition of the fitness event on May 6.

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