#THE Play Tennis Bahamas programme is presently in its sixth year. With a focus on teaching beginners ages 4-17 years old how to play tennis, the programme has reached hundreds of children all over the country.
#Girls and boys have both benefitted from this programme which has been offered by The Bahamas Lawn Tennis Association (BLTA). The programme partners were RBC and Fidelity along with anonymous corporate sponsors over the past years.
#The investment in the youth of the nation is commendable and we continue to see an explosion of new persons to the tennis landscape.
#The volunteer coaches are the main fuel for a programme that only takes in a minimal admin fee of $1 from its participants. We commend the hardworking coaches in the programme who giv back of their time and talent.
#Growth is borne from service to others. The kids are taught forehands, backhands, serves, volleys and overheads. They enjoy the various drills and games. This is the future generation and the development of young beginners is critical to increasing the pool of players in the sport.
#President Perry Newton noted that the programme resumed for 2023 at the beginning of February and will run for about eight weeks. The programme is conducted at the National Tennis Centre.
#Developmental programmes are a primary focus and one of the main pillars and building blocks for tennis sustainability.
#To register for the next instalment of the programme, email pr@blta.net. If you wish to volunteer as a coach in the programme, we invite you to email also.